Current Activities

NDA Initiative holds 2 days Training sessions

15 September 2011

In 2008, the Neighborhood Development Activity (NDA) was launched by the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) with USAID’s support. The activity actively involves local communities in the development of their neighborhoods by utilizing governmental resources, addressing local needs and by working with the government and corporate social responsibility programs.

Under the program, neighborhood leaders are elected by residents to form a Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET). The NET members volunteer their time to analyze the neighborhood’s current situation through a consultative process and propose priority projects as part of a long-term neighborhood development plan.

The Neighborhood Development Activity (NDA) phase 3 started with a two day training program for staff of the Local Community Development Department (LCDD) of ASEZA.

The first day of the training program focuses on a general review of the NDA and a Training Needs Assessment for LCDD staff. The program for the second day incorporates case studies and scenarios in support of this initiative.

Following the program’s success, ASEZA has allocated two buildings in the Royal Park in Aqaba as a permanent center for the NDA’s activities as an important step towards institutionalizing this leading initiative. In addition, ASEZA launched a special social development fund earmarked for neighborhood projects administered through the NDA.

The program’s success is an example of how citizens can be involved in the development of their communities and collectively initiate positive change. The Jordan River Foundation is the implementing partner for the initiative.

ORACLE Developers (Portal and SOA)

4 September 2011
ORACLE Developers (Portal and SOA)

The Aqaba Community and Economic Development (ACED) Program is a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), benefiting the people and businesses of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ). The ACED Program seeks to recruit Jordanian short-term Senior Oracle Developers to be based in Aqaba for a max period of 6 months each (up to 120 work days each). The developers will assist ASEZA finalize the development and implementation of ASEZA project automation systems. 

1- Oracle Portal Developer (One Vacancy) (REF: OPD/01)

Responsibilities: To develop an ASEZA Portal based on a multi-layer, component-based web-enabled application using Oracle Portal Technology;

Required Education, Experience and skills:
· Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or other related field.
· Min.  5 years’ experience in J2EE, Tomcat, WebLogic portal development, WebLogic Controls, Portal page creation,
Content Management, and Portal Administration.
· Experience and skills in Weblogic security, LDAP, SQL, Web Logic Integration Domain; WLI architecture Basic.

2- Oracle SOA Developer (Two Vacancies) (REF:OSD/01)

Responsibilities: To develop a fully integrated solution that will implement all ASEZA’s project e-services using the Oracle J-Developer and SOA suite components;

Education, Experience and skills:
· Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or other related field.
· Minimum 5-8 years web development experience, including customizing and building new custom components
using both Java and idoc scripting and in implementing and maintaining solutions built with Oracle SOA
components (Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Oracle Service Bus, Human Task, Oracle B2B, Business Rules, OWSM,

Interested applicants should submit their CVs and cover letter by e-mail to and indicating the post ref in the e-mail subject line no later than September 11, 2011, 16:00 Hrs.

For further information and to download the full scope of work please visit our website at (main page).

Aqaba Diving Association Clean-up campaign

21 July 2011
Diver collecting waste underwater


The Aqaba Divers Association (ADA) conducted an underwater cleanup campaign in collaboration with The Royal Marine Conservation Society (JREDS) and the Aqaba Marine Park, in the ​​South Beach within the boundaries of the protected area of ​​the Marine Park. 

Dive center members, volunteers and JREDS divers collected waste and removed fishing lines and nets that pollute the underwater environment and hinder the growth of corals. 

Abdullah Momani ADA President said: "The Association will be coordinating with the Marine Park and JREDS to do clean-up campaigns in order improve diving products and will work to protect corals and marine environment from direct pollution from visitors of the Marine Park"  

The Association will conduct awareness campaigns in schools and universities in the city of Aqaba, in addition to campaigns with companies and relevant official departments to improve the level of local awareness of the importance of maintaining the corals and the marine environment. 

The Aqaba Diving Association is a non-profit organization established to improve the level of services in diving tourism in Aqaba as well as to work to improve the marine environment in the Gulf of Aqaba. 

The Association was established under a grant from the Aqaba Community and Economic Development Program and is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development.  


نقابة اصحاب المهن والميكانيك في العقبة تخرج دورة تدريبية

26 June 2011
رعى محافظ العقبة بالوكالة السيد علي كريشان اليوم الحفل الذي نظمته النقابة العامة للعاملين بالحرف الميكانيكية بمناسبة تخريج عددا من المستفيدين من البرامج التدريبية والذي يتزامن مع مناسبتي الاستقلال ويوم الجيش بحضور الدكتور جريغوري ماسون مدير برنامج العقبة للتنمية المجتمعية والاقتصادية ونقيب اصحاب المهن الميكانيكية داود شاهين  وعدد من الفعاليات الرسمية والشعبية في العقبة .

وقال رئيس نقابة اصحاب المهن الميكانيكية في العقبة سمير الساعي اننا نتشرف اليوم بان نحتفل بمناسبتين غاليتين وان تشارك النقابة في هذه المناسبات الوطنية وتجدد العهد والولاء والانتماء والمحبة الى القيادة الهاشمية لافتا الى مشاركة العديد من الجهات ذات العلاقة والمتمثلة ببرنامج العقبة للتنمية المجتمعية والاقتصادية الذي يدعم النقابة من خلال التعاون المستمر لبرامجها لتحسين وتطوير المهن الحرفية وعقد الدورات التعليمية والمستمرة اضافة الى دور الذي تقوم به مؤسسة نور الحسين حاضنة العقبة للاعمال الصغرى على مشاركتها الفاعلة والمكثفة في هذا المجال والدور المحوري لمؤسسة التدريب المهني على فتح ابوابها بلا حدود لتعليم كل ما هو حديث في جميع المجالات المهنية لرفع كفاءة ابنائها من مختلف القطاعات .

وقال المهندس محمد الخولي احد المستفيدين من البرامج التدريبية انه وانطلاقا من روئ جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني ابن الحسين حفظه الله ورعاه في مواكبة التطورات والمستجدات وتوجيهاته السامية في بناء اقتصاد وطني اساسه المعرفة لمواجهة التحديات واستيعاب المتغيرات للسير سويا نحو تطوير اقتصاد جديد مبني على العلم والمهارات والخبرات اللازمة لاحداث التغير والتميز بالاداء فنحن في مؤسسات الوطن ندعم هذه الرؤئ والفكرة الرائدة مشيدا بمشاركة الجهات الداعمة لهذه البرامج من خلال تطوير الاداء والمعلومة واشاركهم بالعديد من الدورات التي من شانها رفع الوعي والسلامة المهنية و الاسعافات الاولية لتجنب المخاطر الفيزيائية والكيمائية والميكانيكية للوصول الى حرف آمنة .

واشاد المتحدثون خلال هذا الاحتفال بالدور الذي يقوم به برنامج العقبة للتنمية المجتمعية والاقتصادية والذي يعمل في العقبة منذ خمس سنوات من اجل مساعدة وبناء قدرات المجتمع المحلي وقطاع الاعمال والشراكة في تنفيذ العديد من المبادرات الهادفة الى تطوير القطاع الحرفي في منطقة العقبة الاقتصادية الخاصة .

وفي نهاية الاحتفال تم توزيع الشهادات على الخريجين وتوزيع الدروع على الجهات الداعمة لهذه البرامج التدريبية .      

Business Process Management (BPM) Specialists

8 June 2011

Business Process Management (BPM) Specialists

The Aqaba Community and Economic Development (ACED) Program is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program, benefiting the people and businesses of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ). The ACED Program seeks to recruit a Jordanian short-term BPM Specialists to be based in Aqaba for a period of 4 to 6 months (max of 90 work days). The Specialist shall demonstrate the hands-on attributes of documenting, mapping and improving business processes, and they will be part of a team working with ACED and ASEZA staff to support ASEZA efforts meant to document and reengineer all of its HR and Finance processes which will lead to the proper design and implementation of the HR and financial modules of ASEZA Oracle upgrading project.

1-Finance BPM Specialist, one vacancy (REF: FIN-BPM/01):

The Finance BPM specialist will work in close coordination with ACED Finance Expert to:

  • Map the existing Finance processes and identify process improvement opportunities to meet the best practices;
  • Develop the future improved Finance processes that will achieve higher performance levels including all forms and documents needed;
  • Identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the improved processes, and
  • Coordinate with ORACLE business analysts to make sure automation implementation is based on the recommended future Finance processes.


  • University degree in Finance, QMS, or Business Administration, Master degree is preferable


2- HR BPM Specialist, one vacancy (REF: HR-BPM/02):

The HR BPM specialist will work close coordination with ACED HR Expert to:


  • Map the existing HR processes and identify process improvement opportunities to meet the best HR practices;
  • Develop the future improved HR processes that will achieve higher performance levels including all forms and documents needed;
  • Identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the improved processes, and
  • Coordinate with ORACLE business analysts to make sure automation implementation is based on the recommended future HR processes.




  • University degree in HR, QMS, or Business Administration, Master degree is preferable


Further Experience and Skills


  • Minimum 5 years hands-on experience in carrying out process management activities.
  • Well organized, able to work independently, skilled at handling multiple tasks, and able to adhere to deadlines. 
  • Fluency in spoken and written English and Arabic.


Interested applicants are to submit their CVs and cover letters by email to and indicating the Post Ref in the email subject line by June 13, 2011, 16:00 Hrs. for further information and full scope of work please check our website at:

Download HR SOW

Download Finance SOW