Aqaba Community and Economic Development (ACED II) Program

*This program ended on August 21, 2014. For more details, please contact USAID/Jordan directly. 

The Aqaba Community and Economic Development (ACED) Program was a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), benefiting the people and businesses of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ). 

The ACED II Program is a new 18 months follow–on program based in Aqaba city and is composed of activities under three major technical areas of work:

  1. Improved ASEZA Institutional and Service Capacity: Under this component, ACED II will work to strengthen ASEZA as an institution and ensure that ASEZA is better able to service its citizens and promote economic growth in Aqaba. 
  2. Strengthened Private Sector: The ACED II project will continue to support development of the private sector in Aqaba with a focus on providing support to MSMEs and strengthening of business associations. 
  3. Enhanced Community Participation: The ACED II project will continue to support local community activities in Aqaba with a focus on sustaining the relationship between the Neighbourhood Development Activity (NDA) and ASEZA.  


Additionally, cross-cutting training and a grants and commodities program will support all areas of the Program.