New Horizons for the Syndicate of Mechanics

Through the USAID/ACED Program’s technical assistance to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), the ACED program set to develop the capacicty of the Syndicate of Mechanical Professions in the light industrial "Herafiyah Area".
Initially there were many doubts wether the program could turn around the Syndicate, membership was at an all time low and there was uncertainty if the syndicate would be able to commit to the capacity building programs and have its members attend the trainings.
With USAID/ACED Program’s support, the Syndicate of Mechnics surpased all odds, attendnce at the Safety and Computer litracy trainings was superb, 25 members finished the computer training and received desktops at a graduation ceremony. In addition, an exhibition was held in Herafiyah, were members displayed their products and services, such as carpentry, metal, kitchens and glass works. The exhibition was such a succes that it attracted large crowds from Aqaba who were impressed by the diversity and the qulaity of products offered. Some vendors were able to secure contracts, in addition to selling items during the exhibition.
Thanks to the training programs provided by the USAID/ACED program, the Syndicate of Mechanical Professions is making long strides towards enhancing its position in the Aqaba community, and as a result membership has increased by 50%.