Neighborhood Development Activity

19 March 2009

Under Objective 3.1, the ACED Program works with the ASEZA Local Community Development Directorate (LCDD) to lay the foundation for increased local community participation in decision-making by designing and establishing localized processes, implementing activities to increase citizen participation, and executing broader efforts to link ASEZA and the local community.


A key component of community mobilization is the formation and facilitation of Neighborhood Enhancement Teams (NETs) to represent their Neighborhood, ensure active participation by a broad range of citizens, identify priority projects agreed to by their constituents, and oversee the implementation of the highest priority projects.

 To date, the steps taken toward mobilization of Khazzan Neighborhood include:
  • Initial informative visits with key stakeholders including: school directors, teachers, NGOs, business people, religious leaders, ASEZA directorates, and other known community leaders.
  • Recruited and provided basic awareness building training to 13 neighborhood volunteers to support the activity.
  • Raised awareness of the program and the Neighborhood Wide Meeting throughout the Neighborhood by having volunteers as well as ACED Program, LCDD and JRF staff hang up posters, distribute brochures, and talk to individuals and community leaders in their houses,     workplaces, and meeting places.
  • Collected initial information from 350 families in Khazzan through a simple door-to-door survey on priority needs and to nominate leaders/representatives for the NET.
  • Contacted nominated neighborhood leaders about joining in the NET and participating in the Neighborhood Wide Meeting (NWM).
  • Held the NWM to discuss the priority needs of the community and to introduce Khazzan's NET. Over 160 meeting participants signed the attendance sheets.
Details and Outcomes of the Khazzan Neighborhood Wide Meeting:  
  • LCDD and ACED Program representatives announced and introduced this community mobilization activity as a new and innovative partnership between ASEZA and the citizens of Aqaba.
  • Old Town NET member presented their neighborhood’s experience to Khazzan citizens
  • Facilitator explained the step-by-step process for the neighborhood, including:
    • What had been completed already (survey and awareness building);
    • What would be accomplished at this meeting (discussion of local priorities, introduce Khazzan NET).                                                                                   
    • What the next steps are (NET translates needs to potential projects and verifies these with community, applies to ASEZA and the ACED Program for funding support, raises community contribution, oversees implementation of project, repeats the process starting with identifying priorities).
  • Facilitator presented the results of the survey and asked smaller groups to discuss these priorities with co-facilitators in order to choose their three highest priorities.
  • The three highest priorities as voted by the participants are:

o  Streets, sidewalks and street lighting maintenance;

o  Lack of parks and public spaces; and

o  Lack of attention to the education sector.

  • Facilitator explained the roles and responsibilities of the volunteers selected by the citizens for the NET.
  • Facilitator explained that 10 volunteers (nominated leaders) accepted to be in Khazzan NET, more volunteers (2 female and 2 male) can be added to be in Khazzan NET; and 4 men and 1 woman were added.
  • Formed Khazzan NET with 15 members (6 women, 9 men)