Component 3 of the ACED Program assists the ASEZA Local Community Development Directorate

Component 3 of the ACED Program assists the ASEZA Local Community Development Directorate
Component 3 of the Aqaba Community and Economic Development (ACED) Program assists the ASEZA Local Community Development Directorate (LCDD) in focusing on informing, empowering and mobilizing neighborhood residents to join together for pursuits of common neighborhood goals. The first pilot neighborhood in Aqaba is Sharqia, centrally located just north of the business center of the city. Residents have responded to surveys, attended meetings and defined and prioritized the needs of their area of the city, resulting in specific projects being developed and pursued toward implementation. Above, the committee of elected neighborhood residents charged with oversight of initial Sharqia self-help efforts is joined by Ms. Karima Dabet, Director of LCDD and Mr. Larry Hearn, Chief of Party of the ACED Program at the conclusion of its first neighborhood-wide event attended by some 10% of the adult residents of Sharqia.