Earth Day Event Kicks–off on the Southern Beach of Aqaba
Under the patronage of H.E
Minister of Environment, Khaled Irani, and USAID Mission Director, Jay Knott,
The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) held the annual Earth
Day event on the beaches of Aqaba on Saturday, April 19, 2008. The event was attended by over 500 people,
representing Aqaba community members, officials, and many other participants
who came from
The clean up started at the
Southern Beach of Aqaba, and while participants cleaned the beach (some
walking, some snorkeling and some even diving), many accompanying younger children
enjoyed environmental games.
The Aqaba Community and Economic
Development Program and the
As its name implies, this USAID-funded Aqaba Community and Economic Development Program seeks to model behaviors it is supporting in the community and businesses in Aqaba, increasing their awareness of the importance of a clean environment and raising the commitment levels to life and business practices that are environment-friendly.